Thursday, October 10, 2013

Our House is a Clutter-Free Home: DIY

Do you feel like you're CONSTANTLY picking up after the kids ALL day in an effort to keep your house clean?! 

Well, how about picking up the house and still holding the kids responsible for putting away their stuff!?

One thing I HATE about a multi-level house is the constant up and down, back and forth while trying to clean. Typically, I round everything up that goes upstairs in a basket and take it with me when it's time to clean that level and visa versa. HOWEVER, this does not hold the kids responsible for picking up their own things. So I came up with a plan :-)

I had two tin baskets I was not using for anything... One day a lightbulb went off after carrying multiple loads up and down the dang stairs. The KIDS should be helping pick up BUT I clean when they are in school. So to solve this problem, I turned the tin baskets into their baskets!

The house gets cleaned and they still have a part in keeping it that way :-)

I painted each basket with white semi-gloss interior paint and used chalkboard paint for their name labels.



Since everything should have a place... I needed a spot to put the baskets. I made a chalkboard sign out of plywood, so that the kids would know where to find their toys that needed put away and where to return their empty baskets. (And still be cute enough to be out in the open!)



Super EASY, cute and inexpensive! OH and one less trip up and down the stairs for mom :-). The kids are held responsible and the house stays clean!


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