Monday, March 2, 2015

Lexi's Doll House, A Young Girls Dream

This time last year, March 2014, my sweet 9 year old daughter came to me with several sketches of outfits she had designed, unique stylish little outfits she had created with girls her age in mind. She explained to me how she wanted to become a fashion designer and start her own business making and selling young girls clothing. As I thumb through the drawings I tell her this is a neat idea and those outfits would be very cute someday. What I did NOT gather from this conversation was the fact that she meant NOW. She meant she wanted to start a clothing line NOW. At 9 years old. 

Once I finally picked up on this (subtle hints weren't working, she had to flat out say it) I was not only surprised but also at a loss for words. 

How do I go about this conversation without crushing her dreams yet supporting her passion & drive?

After some thought and her continuing to tell me about her idea for several days, I KNEW which direction this should go. 

I will give her the tools necessary to build on this idea and show that I support her ambition. 

Over Spring Break, a couple weeks later, we started with the basics. She wanted to MAKE her own clothes so she needed to learn how to sew. A simple hand-seen pillow for starters. She looked at me like I was crazy when I handed her that needle and thread but she followed instructions well and proved she meant business. She wanted to tackle something more complex. She wanted to learn how to REALLY sew. She wasn't looking for a Home-Ec lesson!

We dug out my great grandmothers portable sewing machine and practiced straight lines... Yet another silly look from my daughter but she went along with it anyway.

I was obviously stalling! But it was apparent she was on to something. She was serious when she came to me with this idea so it was time I get serious too!

We went shopping for the fabric to complete one of her outfits. While shopping, Lexi stumbled upon doll clothing patterns. She loved the idea of creating something for her American Girl Dolls so we decided she should start learning to read patterns and practice her clothing designs on a much smaller scale, doll clothes. We purchased a Singer Simple and went home to start practicing.

Lexi picked up on everything so quickly that her first doll outfit was completed the same day. She fell in love with her doll clothing designs so much so that she switched gears a little. Yes she still wanted to design clothing for young girls but for now she loved the idea of designing clothing for young girls DOLLS. 

She started talking about designing and making doll clothes and selling them. Lexi finished 5 doll outfits that week and as she finished them I was posting her progress on my personal Facebook page. Lexi was such a hit with family and friends that we then created her own fan page to share her designs on. And with that Lexi's Doll House was born. 

About a month later, we opened a shop on Etsy, Lexi's Doll House on Etsy's, with intentions of selling Lexi's designs to fund her passion and for to purchase more fabrics & supplies to continue bringing her doll clothes to life. We had no idea that her 5 original outfits would sell within a matter of days. She continued designing & her fans continued to grow. 

It has been an unbelievably journey this far for Lexi & our little family. One year ago we would have never guessed we would still be talking "doll clothes". Lexi's Doll House is proof that putting your faith and support into your child's dreams is the most beneficial & rewarding gift you can give to your child. If you're on their side, anything is possible. 

Be watching for Part Two of Lexi's Story for more on her first year as a young entrepreneur and what she is doing now.

You can also follow her progress on Facebook: Lexi's Doll House
And on Etsy: Lexi's Doll House

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