Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Soccer season is officially underway! So I bet you can guess what happened this weekend!

I never thought I would be a "soccer mom" but when your daughter is a natural, your forced into the obligation. I wouldn't change it for anything!

So Friday night consisted of... Soccer

I'm still trying to get into the swing of things and juggle this new season in with all the rest of life's craziness. So yes I forgot her shorts in the wash... But I improvised :-)

Saturday consisted of... Soccer

We experienced our first fundraising car wash on Saturday and I was able to dust off my cheerleader sign making skills.

Man, if I was good at anything as a cheerleader it was the creative, crafty side... Pep assemblies, fundraisers, etc. 

You see that white sticker behind Lexi's head above?! 

Yeah, that's a "Soccer Mom" pride decal... Never thought I would do that either! At least I'm not driving a minivan....Yet!

The girls were able to raise a decent amount of money, so the day ended well.

Saturday night I worked at the job.. Off at 7am Sunday morning... Kids up and at 'em at 8am... Blankets high jacked at 8:30... I'm choaxed out of my comfy bed by 9:00am... 

My day consisted of coffee, coffee and more coffee!

I was like an energizer bunny knocking out projects left and right... Until about 4pm. If you missed my project you'll find it Here.

At which point the 24 hours awake set in... My eyes were droopy and I was delirious... 

The kids too FULL advantage of their sleepy momma at that point!

Requesting to play with Play-Doh... I get it out and enjoy the piece and quite only to find them playing nicely together...

Mashing Play-Doh onto the stove top.. Oops!

We cleaned up the mess and decided swimming would be a better idea.

I make another iced coffee but at this point caffeine no longer phases me... But like the energizer bunny I HAD to keep going. 

Matthew (5) was the only one who enjoyed my drink, thinking it was a shake he takes a sip and says "Mom, did you know if kids drink coffee it means their Mexican?!" Umm, no I sure did not know that! So I ask him where he learned that from... "The Kicking and Screaming movie."

I don't remember that part in the movie but it was still a good laugh after such a LONG day!

Bedtime came early and today I need some good eye cream for these bags!

But have a great week!

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