Monday, March 2, 2015

How to Correctly Clean Younique Makeup Brushes

You invested your money in quality products & tools when you purchased your Younique products. So why not maintain your investment properly? 

Do you know how to correctly clean and sanatize your makeup brushes? If not, you're in the right place!

Did you know: Makeup brushes need to be cleansed & sanatize at least once a week?

If you didn't, can you imagine how much bacteria and grime your brushes are harboring right now?! How long has it been? Weeks, months, years? YUCK! Let's get to the facts so you can get to cleaning those poor brushes!

Younique's brushes are made with quality, REAL hair bristles. So think of them like you would your own hair. You wouldn't use liquid DISH soap on your hair, so why would you use it on your brushes?! DON'T

Instead reach for the shampoo you use for your own hair. DO

There are cleansers made specifically for makeup brushes but they are not necessary, especially when you already have a cleanser right inside your shower.

Next, you will need rubbing alcohol. This is important for removing excess buildup & sanitizing your bristles. (Especially if you can't remember the last time you cleaned your brush set!!)

You will also need 2 shallow bowls, luke-warm water, a lint free towel & Younique's Illuminate Facial Cleanser (optional).

First, fill your shallow bowls. One with luke-warm (room temperature) water & the other with rubbing alcohol.

Then, moisten your brush tips under the faucet or by dipping them in your bowl.
(I like to use the sink for this step just so I don't dirty my bowl of water just yet.)

Place a small amount of shampoo in the palm of your hand and gently rub the bristles of each brush into the shampoo. Thoroughly coating bristles while using your palm to massage the shampoo into the tough to reach areas.  

After you have lathered each brush in shampoo, dip your brush into your bowl of water, swirling gently. (I like to think of this as the rinse cycle!) You should start seeing the gunk & grime in your water! 

Once your brush is rinsed, place in the bowl of rubbing alcohol to soak. Repeat the step above on your next brush. 

Continue rinsing each brush & placing in your rubbing alcohol to soak until you have completed your brush collection.

Rinse the alcohol from your brushes under the faucet. You may need to repeat shampoo & rinse steps until your water runs clean. (Obviously refill your bowl with fresh water each time). 

Place brushes on a lint free towel to dry. Younique's brushes are rust-free so you will not have to worry about corrosion! You bought quality products, remember?!

NEVER stand your brushes on end to dry. This holds water in the base of your brush causing it to weaken the wood & glue used to secure your bristles in place. 

Finally, you are probably wondering why I suggested Younique's Illuminate Facial Cleanser at the beginning of this article.

Well here is why. Like many of you, my brush collection includes brushes used to apply foundation, concealers & powders. These products are a little tougher to remove from your brush. (They are meant to stay on your face, right?) 

This is where ladies tend to reach for the liquid dish soap. Again, DON'T.

Instead, reach for the product designed to remove the makeup you applied to your face AND your brush - Illuminate Facial Cleanser. DO

Using the steps above for your facial brushes will work fairly well by themselves but if you're like me you will want to be sure all of last weeks product has been removed from your brush. So..

Once you have completed the steps above you are ready to remove any excess product from your facial brushes.

Place a small amount of Facial Cleanser in the palm of your hand and gently work the bristles of your rinsed facial brushes into the cleanser. 

You should start to see foundation coming off the brush in the palm of your hand, GROSS! If so, repeat all of the steps above until you are no longer seeing a color change in your water (or your hand!).

Lay your brushes out to dry and your done!! Until next week ;-)

Thank you for reading. Feel free to share or even browse my Product Page ! If you do not have your own set of quality brushes you can purchase them here as well. Treat yourself, you deserve it! 

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