Backpack loaded down with sharp new supplies..
Perfectly combed hair..
Freshly painted nails..
New outfit with matching shoes and a bow to boot..
Tummy butterflies and nervous smiles..
Picture after picture capturing the moment..
The car ride home filled with exciting new stories, gossip and more smiles...
The first day of school.
Every year I look forward to the day. Summers over, the house is quite and chaos is at a minimum.
But every year the silence, I anxiously awaited for three months, takes over my thoughts. I realize its another year closer to my little girl not being so little anymore.
I reminisce on the great memories we made as a family over the summer...the laughs, the tears and the funny stories. And every year it gets to me. One more summer down, not many more to go.
This year hit a little harder, I have a third grader and now a kindergartner. Two down, one more to go and the snowball takes off... Before long summer time will be a thing of the past.
There will be no more giggles, no more pretend, no more up all night movie marathons...No more summertime excitement... One day they will all leave the nest and the silence will be something I dread rather than welcome.
It brings a tear to my eye... EVERY YEAR. I realize how selfish I acted, anxiously waiting for school to start so they would get out of my hair for 8 hours a day.
I realize the opportunities I missed by allowing myself to become too overwhelmed with 3 kids just enjoying the summer.
I realize how truly blessed I am and how easy it is to take it for granted.
They won't be little forever, embrace it... All year round.
Not just the first and last day of school... Every day.
Every memory and milestone in between... Cherish the summertime and making the memories.
Do not long for school to start because your tired...
One day, in a blink of an eye, it will all be gone.
This year I plan to make some changes. Enjoy more and worry less. It's over before you know it.
I look forward to another school year and yet ANOTHER summer...
And I am excited :-)
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