Thursday, July 25, 2013

Playroom Canvas Paintings

My daughter told me recently, "Mom, when I grow up, I want to start craft classes and teach people how to make fun things like what you have taught me." That made my heart melt! She enjoys our time together and loves doing projects as much as I do! If she's bored she asks, "Mom are you feeling crafty?" 
Last week, when family was in town, there wasn't much time for being bored! We had so many projects and shared great memories with her, my brothers, my stepmom and my boys! Another playroom project we completed involved all the kiddos. Sonya and I even got our hands dirty and painted as well. 

Materials needed for this project:
7 12x12 blank canvas
Masking tape (1 inch wide)
Assorted acrylic paints (I chose vibrant colors)
Sponge paint brushes (easier for kids)
And the kiddos creativity!

Before painting, prep the canvas with masking tape. There is no right or wrong way to do this. Place masking tape vertically, horizontally, short pieces, long pieces, making triangles or squares! 
Make sure the tape drapes over the edges to continue the effect. Don't allow any air bubbles at the edges of the tape or it will get painted!
Once you prep them its up to the kids to make the art!
Allow to dry, remove the tape and you have beautiful kid inspired artwork for any room!!

We chose to hang this art in the playroom and hang it in a "hopscotch" fashion. We also threw around the idea of adding numbers in the center to complete the hopscotch look but didn't want to take away from the beautiful masterpieces the kids created!
I hope you enjoy! We all did! It even allowed family that isn't in town often to leave a piece of their art work behind, not to mention great memories shared! 
Any questions don't hesitate to ask!

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