Monday, July 29, 2013

The Time Out Chair

This summer, having all three kids home all the time, has brought on a whole new set of challenges. Dylan, my youngest (2), was MUCH easier to handle while the two oldest were at school (of course, I know!) Now he has started picking up, at a very rapid pace, the characteristics of his siblings. Matthew (5) LOVES super heros and pretending. Alexis (8) enjoys swimming and playing outside. Dylan has not only learned how to play right along with them in these activities but also picked up on their bad habits, their bad attitudes at times and most of all their back talking. He's TWO! Not even close to THREE! He is acting TOO old and this has presented a struggle. Does he know right from wrong? Or is this just monkey see monkey do and will blow over when school starts again?! 
After many discussions with my husband about tightening up the ship, a lightbulb went off. I bet when Alexis and Matthew are sent to their rooms for bad behavior (our current punishment), Dylan doesn't get it. He sees them go upstairs and take their punishment then return to playing with him a few minutes later. He doesn't understand why they went to their rooms or what they were sent up there for. So in an effort to correct this learned behavior, everyone's punishment will be the same (in most scenarios). If you misbehave, you get to sit in the TIME OUT CHAIR. 
Everyone including Dylan. He is not too young for small time outs and he will have a better understanding of his brother and sisters punishment seeing them sit in "time out" also. He may even catch on a little quicker! The only thing that worries me - I only have ONE "time out chair" :-)
Now... On to the "Time Out Chair" project!

I happened to already have a chair on hand. I've had it for years and it really hasn't served much purpose, other than a step stool at times :-)

I cleaned it thoroughly with a towel and water to remove any grim that has collected. I then sanded it down a bit with hubby's sander and fine grit sandpaper to smooth out any rough spots.

Cleaned the surface again with a towel and a little water. Now it's ready to paint!
I enjoy using stuff I already have around the house. It also helps my wallet AND my husbands piece of mind when it comes to my crafting :-)

I searched the house and came up with this black paint (pictured above). PERFECT! I didn't have primer so I just applied two coats of black paint to the entire chair. It's BLACK, it shouldn't need primer ;-)
Now I needed to create the "TIME OUT" design for the seat of the chair....

I LOVE to Modge Podge everything so what I dug up was also perfect! I rummaged thru my scrapbook paper and pulled out an assortment of punch out letters (pictured above). I chose my design and applied the letters using Modge Podge. Note: make sure to press each letter firmly to prevent air bubbles! I applied four THICK coats of Modge Podge over the surface of the seat. I wanted to make sure the letters didn't come off while Dylan's little booty squirmed around on it in "time out" :-)
Ta-Dah! Project complete!! Now, who will be the first to use it?!? This should be interesting.....

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