Saturday, July 27, 2013

The "Man Cave"

Today's project wasn't one I thourouly enjoyed. It wasn't something I find relaxing and it definitely benifits my husband more than myself. However, my husband politely asked for a favor... So being the amazing wife I am, I kindly agreed ;-). Today, I tackled CLEANING THE GARAGE! 
First off, I have one question: Since when is it the wife's responsibility to clean up after her husband... In the GARAGE?! I thought the garage was like a sacred "man cave" or something! Apparently I was wrong!
Anywho... I decided to take this opportunity to rid the garage of its nastiness and apply my own personal touches :-) (In a secret effort to never be asked again to touch the garage).
So I get started.... 
First things first... Crack open the energy drink, turn on a fan and crank up the music.... Of course nothing but the best, country, "man hating" playlist around! I start singing, pump myself up about getting to work, turn around and BOOM! My first obstacle! A ginormous, FURRY, potentially poisonous spider! Now, for those that know me understand my problem. For those that don't, let me tell you: I HATE SPIDERS!!!! I mean HATE! I used to call my dad (who lived half-way across town) to drive over and rescue me from spiders that would build their web conveniently in front of the door to my house, BLOCKING me from leaving!
SO... Problem: Spider
         Solution: Shop Vac :-)
I began the cleaning process vacuuming AROUND the debris, sucking up every cobweb and speck of visible dirt... Oh and that spider! (My husband can let it out when he gets home!)
Once the heebie jeebies settled I continued cleaning..... Let me just stop now and give you an idea of what exactly I got myself into....

It's like I stepped into a spider infested, bachelor pad from hell! This place reeked of old beer, gasoline, sawdust and sweat!
But the music blaring in the background covered my disgust.. I just sang louder :-)
Two 39 gallon bags of trash later, I was able to start reorganizing! And since hubby was at work I could do it MY way!
I organized his tools to the best of my ability on a peg board

It still needs work and more totes and such but I worked with what I had :-)
And rearranged EVERYTHING to dedicate one side of the garage specifically to his "man cave" complete with a freshly brushed pool table and a homemade pool stick rack, made from scraps, hung on the wall.
After a few breaks, my work was complete... Well not yet ;-) I just HAD to add my craftiness and a few wall hangings that screamed "My wife is amazing!"

I ordered the garage signs from LOVE that site! Inexpensive unique signs and home decor for ANY room or theme for your house! And I hand made the picture frame from bottle caps... Collected around the garage of course :-) and completed it with a picture from our wedding day that hubby mentioned he thought was sexy. Who needs posters of pin up girls, in the "man cave" when your husband thinks your hot! 
I finished up my day writing a little note that went like this...
Dearest husband,
    I cleaned the garage today, your welcome! But before you enjoy I have a few things to say....
    I will be repaid with a trip to the spa. However, I have a large gash on my toe that was caused by your mess. So before the spa repayment you can pay me back with pampering by the pool... I'm going to need a nice lounge chair, umbrella and margaritas made to order. Please pick those up on your way home :-)
    Oh and one more thing... if the garage ever gets that way again I will provide you with a pillow and blanket for you to sleep in your mess ;-)
                         Your amazing wife!

I think he got the hint! Next he will be asking me where specific tools are.... I'll just giggle :-)

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