Thursday, August 1, 2013

The "Stay at Home Mom Syndrome"

I wouldn't consider myself a "stay at home mom," (mostly because I have a job outside the home also hehe) but this summer I have been at home more than at work and could fall into the "stay at home mom" category.
I have formed many new personal opinions on this "title" over the last several months.... Yes it's rewarding and fun but MAN the horrific headache after a day full of kids, housework, errands, screaming, running around, cooking, constant fighting and bickering, etc, etc, etc. is a strain on a mother! I mean in one day.... I pulled one kid down from attempting to scale the stairs with a jump rope, cleaned up the marker on my walls from another and broke up more "superhero" fights that got too intense than I can count!!! And that's a brief nutshell!! Heck some days I WISH I was scheduled at the job! 
Lets just say I have been counting down the days 'til school starts again.... 22 to be exact :-). 

This last week the two older kids are on a mini vaca with the grandparents and its just been me and Dylan (he's 2).  Still stressful but on a MUCH smaller scale! I have definitely had much more time to think with only one kid up my butt all day :-). It's always a PLUS when they nap!

Anywho... The reason behind my rant: Sometimes moms (especially "stay at home moms") get so wrapped up in the everyday BS they forget about one thing, one VERY important thing.... THEMSELVES!!! 

I call this the "Stay at Home Mom Syndrome."

Heading to bed a few nights ago I wasn't feeling like myself, I felt pretty crumby. I felt exhausted, fat, unattractive, moody, achy... All around BLAH! Laying in bed, I started piecing together things that were causing this ridiculous mood. I fell asleep thinking about things I could change....

I wake up the next morning, head to the bathroom, flip on the light and look in the mirror. Lord have mercy!! I looked like a freakin' gremlin! 
Ummm, NO WONDER I felt crumby! I LOOKED it!! I was a hot mess.....

 I was so focused on rolling out of bed and getting everything done in a day that I had let myself go. Shoot, most days I didn't even change out of my comfy pajamas or brush my hair! I just threw it up and went about my business. The person starring me back in the mirror was hideous! No wonder I felt like booty!  

I immediately jump in the shower in an effort to wash the ugly away and turn over a new leaf. I did myself up that day!

I put on my make-up, did my hair and put on something cute and THEN started my daily routine. I'll admit doing housework and chasing kids all "dolled up" is a bit much but dang my mood changed! I felt better, less blah and more energized! I was looking forward to my husbands reaction too. 
Matt gets home from work... I'm making dinner and we're talking about our day when he stops and says, "You look pretty awesome." 

WTF?!? "Pretty awesome"?!?!? Isn't that something you'd say about a silly trick the kids did or an art project?!  

UGH! Oh well at least he acknowledged it I guess....

I decided the next day I'd give it another whirl  but this time I want to turn it up a few notches! This time.... I am treating myself to a day at the spa!!!

Who am I trying to fool! I didn't go to the spa... I just locked myself in the bathroom.....

I don't think my brown roots and blonde locks fell into the category of "ombré."  My nail polish was nonexistent, my eyebrows looked like a giant, creepy caterpillar and my legs felt like cactus! I had my work cut out for me! Nap time rolled around and I got started....

I was like Edward Scissorhands in that bathroom! Moving as quickly as I could considering nap time didn't last long and any second Dyl's head would be poking in the door with a mischievous look demanding attention.

I "refried" my hair, got in the shower, exhale and begin to relax when.... SWISH! The shower curtain flies open and I hear "mmmoooommm" UGH!!! I guess my spa day will need modified to include Dylan because I am nowhere near done!

My hairs did, legs shaved and I smell so fresh and so clean... Up next mani and pedi.......... With a two year old AAAHHH! But I can't pull my hair out yet! I just did it DUH!

 So I dump out all the polish and let him think he's helping. He chose the color and I got to work.
I got so lost in my pedicure that I didn't notice the mess he was making....

He found my lotion and lathered himself up... Head to toe! He smelled like a French whore covered in PINK! But hey, my nails looked nice :-)

I clean him up and attempt to put my face on. Meanwhile, Dylan is using my legs as his obstacle course.. weaving in and out over and over again. No wonder I end the day looking like Frankenstein! But I complete my spa day successfully.... Just in time for work UGH!

Husband comes home to me heading out the door... Stops dead in his tracks and says, "Your so hott, baby!" 

DAMN STRAIGHT! :-) I worked hard today!

Moral of the story... Never get so wrapped up that you forget to take care of yourself! A woman's perception of herself directly impacts her everyday mood and behavior even when sitting at home taking care of kids and housework!

...... I'll schedule my next spa day at a REAL spa and hire a sitter! Lesson learned :-)

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