Friday, August 9, 2013

Sale Shopping Secrets Saturday

Besides crafting, one of my biggest stress relievers is shopping! What girl doesn't find an excuse for retail therapy?!

I have never been a big fan of shopping for myself. I have many reasons for this.....

My hips

My thighs

My stomach

Lack of "filling" for a top..... 

Too much "junk in the trunk" for bottoms.... Sigh.

The thought of stepping foot in a dressing room makes me want to vomit.... Everything I ate that week!!

But over the years I have found a solution to that problem! No, not exercise!!! I have started shopping for everyone else! I prep for holidays a year in advance. All major holidays and even more minor ones... Christmas, Easter, Halloween...

Teacher Appreciation Day, Birthdays, Nurses Week, classroom parties, April Fool's Day....

The kid down the streets possible birthday party, pool parties, toga parties... Get my point?? 

Some call me a "hoarder" or OCD but I politely disagree. I am extremely prepared for whatever comes my way :-)

No birthday goes unnoticed and my kids enjoy giving their friends a variety of presents clustered together in cute little baskets.

How can I afford to do this?!


I shop sales!

And not the advertised sales! The type I'm referring to go on every day! I like to call it "end-cap browsing."

I decided this weeks Sale Shopping Secrets should be about some place frequented often. After reading the secrets you can apply them to your weekly trip.... To Walmart (or is that just my family?!)

Already low prices get even lower if you know how to shop! Now, every Walmart is different when it comes to the daily sales. I know because I shop multiple locations and states :-). 

Some locations have clearance aisles and others have the end-cap sales that are a lot less noticeable and kinda tucked away. Another, more obvious, is the rows and rows of carts brought to the front entrance of the store and items in those carts are dirt cheap! Have you ever stopped and browsed these daily sales?? Maybe you should start! 

When I see racks like this I get excited! When shopping the sales I am thinking about what size the kids will be in NEXT year. Swim trunks, P.J.'s and summer tanks and shorts for kids $1!!!! 

The closer you get to the upcoming season the cheaper the prices! In September school supplies, kids shoes and remaining summer items are a steal! Every store marks down differently! What is $6 at one, may be $2 at another.

Not all items are gathered and hung on a giant rack either. Often times I find items (especially kids clothes) for $0.50 to $3 just browsing the regularly priced racks. Just look for the little red and white sticker price tags :-)

A lot of the local stores now have CLEARANCE aisles....

It's typically a ridiculous mess and nothing is marked down directly on the item but if you take the time to check it out the rewards are endless ;-)

This is a collect all from all departments, especially toys! I browse these aisles prepping for Christmas! My kids are still young enough that Walmart toys suit them fine! I also buy the inexpensive trinkets and toys for other holidays and occasions. Board games are always a good buy in the clearance section, usually marked down 60% or more.

Another Walmart SALE! secret... All major holiday products go on sale the day immediately following the holiday..... at MIDNIGHT! I always wondered why everything was gone when I strolled in later in the day! I love shopping the post Valentine's Day sale to snag my love and Paris themed room decor super cheap! If the item has a "holiday" price tag it's on sale! I stock up for Easter, Halloween, Christmas and everything in between!

The much less obvious sales are located at the back of each department on the end-caps. These sales are few and far between but the deals are great! 

Ok! Enough about Walmart sales! Get going! Practice "end-cap browsing" and think about all occasions when shopping the sales! It saves TONS of money and stress once the holiday approaches! Not to mention its a new excuse for shopping :-)

Be watching for my weekly Sale Shopping Secrets! I have PLENTY of secrets you won't want to miss! Comment and share tips or secrets about your shopping experience!

Don't forget to like us on Facebook!

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