Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekend Recap

This weekend was nothing exciting. No date night, no allergic reactions, the pool is back to sparkling and we are back to being lame.

The kids spent TWO days at school and came home with a bug. I swear some people's kids these days and hygiene UGH! ;-)

Poor Lexi doesn't have the slightest clue what being sick means. So when she has the sniffles and a scratch in her throat you'd think it was the end of the world!

I had to explain and re-explain exactly what was going on... I had to come up with creative ways to tell her "YOU HAVE A COLD!"

We are still dealing with the dang germ bug and it has trickled down thru all three kids now...This is tolerable until it gets to my husband ;-)

I don't know what it is about men and sickness but if they have the slightest cold it appears to others (especially their wives) that they just had an extremity amputated with no lidocaine or sedation.

They roll about moaning and groaning, crying out, whimpering like a puppy and complain til YOU'RE blue in the face. So... Fingers crossed he stays well :-)

Aside from the bug, my husband and I spent some quality time together building furniture.... What kind of furniture you ask?!

Well the same kitchen chairs we began working on four months ago....

We differ greatly when it comes to wood work so I have been kicked off the "chair committee" a few times and have been recently reinstated so we shall see how this goes....

Obviously not THAT well considering our chairs are still sitting in the garage, unfinished, not next to my kitchen table.

We survived building a table together so the chairs should be a cake walk, right?!

Have a great week!

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